Last night we took Matthew to the University of Ottawa information night. This was a generic info evening talking about the University, courses, scholarships and residences and dinning. I didn’t realize but there are 3 rounds of acceptance. I am…
Back to School
It is that time of the year again. Summer Vacation has come and gone but it doesn’t show in the weather. Heat warnings here in Waterloo this week!!
3D Pen
Andrew has been fortunate to be in PGl (program for gifted learner) with the school for the last year. They are always challenging the kids to experience different things and expose them to more. Yesterday he brought home a piece…
Matthew and his trumpet
Matthew started band when he got into grade 7 in September. The teacher suggested he do the flute. Unfortunately half way through the term, he decided that he didn’t like the flute so in November, he swapped over to the…
Snow in Ottawa in April
This morning I work up to ice pellets blowing against my bedroom window. Look outside and it is white. Really? Ice and and snow, all the snow was almost gone. I thought we were done with all that white stuff…
Winter Wonderland in Febuary
This morning Natalie comes into our room and declares that it is a “Winter Wonderland” out there. It would have been perfect if they didn’t have to go to school, she said.
Dr Karyn Gordon
Last night we had the privilege to attend a talk given by Dr Karyn Gordon. I had never heard of her before. The elementary schools in the area invited her as a guest speaker so I decided to check her…
Ottawa Kids Marathon 2012
This morning, we woke the kids up at 6am so that we could catch the 6:40 bus downtown. Why? Because Matthew and Andrew were running the last 1.195km of the Ottawa Kid marathon. The boys have been training at school…
Fall Apples in Ottawa
Since we are in Ottawa this fall, we havn’t had a chance to enjoy the wonderful apples from my mum’s tree in Winnipeg. But we have had our share of yummy free apples here. When the kids returned back to…
French Lessons
Wow, I am onto my 3rd week of French lessons. It has only been 2 weeks but it feels like forever. It helps that it is every morning. With out busy schedules, when the classes are everyday, it is ok…