On Sunday, we drive an hour to Andersonville, GA. This is the town where Union prisoners were housed from 1864-1865 during the civil war (1861-1865). It was a little bit of an history lesson. They have a military cemetery where…
Turning 40
Turning 40 is really no different than turning 26. If you are stressed about a birthday, it is usually all in your head. Like the typical cliche, “You are as old as you feel” and I don’t feel a day…
Visit to Georgia Aquarium
On Sunday we took the hour and a half drive to Atlanta to the Georgia Aquarium. The was the only thing the kids has asked to go to when they found out that we were going to Georgia. So we…
A night at the games room
Wednesday nights are usually movie night here at the apartment and this week they were showing Tropic Thunder, an adult movie. Kyle had seen it and I decided that I did not want to watch it so we decided to…
People Remember You For How You Made Them Feel
Have you heard the saying “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? This is from the gospel of Luke in the Catholic Bible. I read the following story and it depicts this idea really nicely. I…
Gardasil – Cervical Cancer vaccine – Science Institute warnings…
I received this in an email and I felt that I had to share it with all the parents who have little girls. Please watch the video at the end, do your research and make your own decisions.
10 Ways To Invest In Your Marriage
I have been married to Kyle for almost 13 wonderful years. I love being married to my best friend. I am blessed and when Kyle published this post, I knew that I wanted to share this as well. Marriage is…
Talking to Kids about Financial Literacy
This may be a surprise for some, but teens are listening and they are worried about the economy. Not only are they watching their parents and stories on the news, but teens are feeling the effects first hand, and they’re…