I have been a MIA for a while. Life gets busy, running around with the kids, keeping the house clean and…. more excuses.
Well I’m back. Kids have move out so it is just Kyle and myself at home. What a different life as empty nesters. Kyle warned me when Matthew was born, he’ll be out of the house before you know it… So now all 3 of them are away.
We are getting into the grove of life as a couple again. Lots more screen time watching Netflix. I remember before kids, going out to the video store and renting a lot of movies back then. $10 for 5 movies…. What have we been up to? Some house renovation, going for walks, light exercising and early nights, nothing too exciting.
We actually have started something new. When we were in Dominican Republic at Christmas, we tried it out pickle ball out and quite enjoyed it. 2 weeks ago, there was an opportunity to try it out at the local rec centre and we have now signed up to play more.
Boy were we sore after the first time, sore hips, sore feet, sore everything. I have decided that this is how I am going to get back into shape!
Maybe my title, getting back should also read, getting back into shape.