Mummy Thoughts

Snowboarding at Chicopee

After a few cancelled trips to go snowboarding in the last couple of years, Natalie and her friend finally got a chance to go. It was a beautiful day with fresh snow!

Ready to hit the ski hills!

She was pretty rusty and according to her, fell a lot. Just as they were finishing up their last run of the day, Natalie falls and lands on her wrist, and felt a lot of pain. I get a call from her friend telling me about it.

So I was prepared when she got home, her wrist was pretty swollen and couldn’t really move her fingers. I wasn’t sure whether to take her to the emergency but I figured best to get an x-ray. After a 3hr visit to emergency, they discovered the she had fractured her right wrist.

She had a Math test 3 days after her accident so a 2hr test took her 4 hours to type up with her left hand and she was supper frustrated. She was happy to get the results days later with a 97%.

This whole ordeal has stressed me out too. It has been 5 days and the swelling is finally coming down and she is finally able to move her fingers.

Another challenge is the shower. So mummy is now also a stylist, not just a hair cutter, washing and styling her hair too.

Don’t want to mess with that arm!

So like so many of us who have broken a limp, plastic bags come in handy for those showers. She is getting good at doing lots with her less dominant left hand. Lots of TV watching while she prepares for her next semester. She should be able to type with both hands by then, hopefully!

After her accident, I asked her if she had fun snowboarding and she said she did. So it wasn’t a bust after all and got her smile from her through her tears!

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