Mummy Thoughts

Merry Christmas 2016


Another wonderful year has flown by with many happy events.  I guess the biggest one is our move to Waterloo in May. It is about a 15 min walk to uptown Waterloo along the Spur Line trail. It is very central, everything is within walking distance and so very convenient. I think the kids have had enough of packing and moving so it might be our home for a few years at least.

Everyone is doing well, Kyle is still working for Canadian Solar and loving it. He travels about once every 2 months or so. Enjoying the tropical destinations, like Bermuda and St Kitts just to name a couple. I don’t usually get to go with him but his trip to San Francisco coincided with my parents visit in June (baby sitters) so that was my first spousal business trip in a very long time. We also celebrated our 20th Wedding Anniversary this year with a trip to Cuba right before San Francisco. It was so nice to really relax and not have to cook or clean!

The kids are all doing well with their different sports and activities. This winter, all 3 are playing futsol and Matthew has even started refereeing the 8-9 year old too. He is still Curling with school and at the local curling club. Andrew, in grade 8 has so far made all the sports teams at school, soccer football, volleyball & now basketball. So that means, the mummy taxi is running at full tilt, driving him and his classmates to and from games. I stick around to watch and really enjoy cheering them on, so it’s all good. I just have to make sure I am organized at home, so we can eat as soon as we get home after the games. Natalie is on the development team in soccer so that keeps us busy 2-3 times a week with practice and games. It keeps her out of trouble. This summer she had a game in Kingston.
img_9470-copyWaterloo is great and I think we have all settled in well. The kids love school and all walk to school so they have all become really independent. I am not having to drive them around as much, especially since I started working part time this fall as a receptionist at an insurance company. I really enjoy it, getting dressed up every morning, and not bringing work home. I start at 9am so Natalie and I leave around the same time. It is only a 20 minute walk or 10 minute bike ride so the mornings are not rushed at all.

The next biggest thing in our family this year is Matthew’s growth spurt. He is officially taller than Daddy! And loving it!20161207_074117_resized It seems to have happened overnight. This means he is growing out of everything!!

Kyle’s big home project this year is fixing up the shed in the back yard. He raised the whole building as the floors had rotted out (due to bad design). So he redid the floor along with the roof and insulated it. We are making it into a guest house instead of a storage shed. Lots of room for guest now, so if you want to visit, it should be really by Spring. Actually Andrew has talked about moving into it.

We have a great back yard with a little hill, Natalie and Andrew built a couple of toboggan runs along with bumps and they can spend hours back there! The shed that Kyle has fixed up is in the larger of the 2 sheds. Check out Natalie on one of the runs.


Can’t believe Christmas is finally here, it seemed so fast. The kids just finished school yesterday. We are mostly ready but Andrew felt we needed more decorations on our tree so he was decorating it today.

And since we didn’t put up the nativity scene this year, he decided to make his own, with “stormtrooper” wise men, angel on top of the barn and Santa in his sleigh! 100 points for creativity!20161224_181851_resized

Here’s wishing every one a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with much love and may 2017 be another great year!

2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas 2016

  1. Angie

    This is an awesome update Amelia. Thank you for sharing this. All the best to you and the family as well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Miss you.
    Angie,Max and Leah

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