It is that time of the year again. Summer Vacation has come and gone but it doesn’t show in the weather. Heat warnings here in Waterloo this week!!
The summer has been awesome as usual. Being in the new house, Natalie has had to change schools again. Her 4th in her young life, 5th if you count home schooling. She is one popular kid though. Everyone seems to know who she is and she knows so many kids and she has only been in school for 2 days. New kid on the block I guess. She has settled in well, even walking to school with a fellow grade 6 this morning. She is going to know so many people when she goes into grade 7, kids from her school last year and this year.
Boys are happy to be back too. Matthew is excited for his grade 11 electives, accounting and law. He is going to sign up for Fed-Prov, the activity at school for the Federal-Provincial Conference simulation at school and he has signed up for Junior Achievement(JA) which doesn’t start up for another month Oh, I’ll have to sign him up for Curling too! Andrew is happy to be back in school, to be with his buddies and his sports. He still walks the 2.5km with his buddies every morning. He loves the social aspects of school and is happy with his teachers.
What does back to school mean for me? Do I really have more time? I have to get back to baking, now that the kids are 1 year older..they seem to be eating more. Which means, my baking only lasts 2 days or 1 day for cookies. Guess I’m going to be baking more often. Kyle told me to just give them granola bars but they take my baking and granola bars too… I get some time to myself now during the day, more time to work, still have stuff to organize and put away from the move. I don’t have to make lunches for 4 people but mornings are back to a rush. It is all good.
We have a 2 week window without sports. Soccer try-outs are next week and curling and JA starts in October and my choir starts next week. Going to enjoy the time till things get crazy again…