Mummy Thoughts

132 Waterloo Street


132Waterloo Street


Our new home, for the last 5 weeks. I’ve only been home for about 2 weeks in total. Still unpacking boxes. It is nice to have your own place but there are the responsibilities of owning your own place like mowing your own lawn… That is where the kids come in. 2 abled boys, 1 back yard and the other works on the front yard. I guess I don’t have to mow the lawn myself. I have to remember to get 2 snow shovels, then I’ll never have to shovel our tiny driveway and walk way….

How do I feel? It is nice having your own place. We can unpack, put things away and not worry about making holes in the walls for pictures or hanging up shelves. I guess we haven’t owned a home for over 7 years. Wow! We cannot leave anything in boxes. If is doesn’t come out of a box, that means we don’t need it and gets given away. No accumulation allowed!! Right! Renting was less work for sure! Does this mean we are here to stay? As long as the wind doesn’t blow too hard….(ha ha)

We are living in an awesome location. Walking distance to everything like we have always wanted. If Kyle has to drive to work(he typically car pools), I can still walk or bike everywhere. Basically everything I need is within a 3km radius. Just like when we were in Ottawa. The furthest would be the piano teacher’s house.

Living close to Matthew’s school was the deciding factor, Matthew being able to be independent and walk to school and not having to depend on me for transportation at any time. He called me this afternoon to tell me that he walked to Kitchener with his friends for a late lunch. They came back here to hang out after that.

Andrew is walking to school with his friends too, his school is the furtherest, approx 2.2km but that doesn’t stop him. The group of them meet in the neighbourhood and they walk together. He is really enjoying it.

I have been biking Natalie as she is still at the old school, next year she’ll hopefully be in the school in the neighbourhood so it will be a short walk for her. The french immersion program doesn’t seem so straight forward here. The principal said that she might have to stay at the current school even though the neighbourhood school offers French immersion. I am just glad that she still is in French immersion.

So the whole family are enjoying the new home and have all settled in well. It is an exciting time as I have my vegetable garden too. Hope to have a nice little harvest, just hope the squirrels leave my food alone as they have dug up my corn and peas and soy beans. So frustrating… Oh well, something is better than nothing…

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