Mummy Thoughts

Gore Mutual Boys Curling 2015-2016

Matthew tried out curling when we lived in Winnipeg 6 years ago and wanted to learn.  Being in Manitoba and not registering soon enough, you don’t get much of a chance to earn.  Over the years, it just didn’t work out.

So  fall 2015, I told him he had to do some sort of winter activity and he picked curling.  We signed him up at the local curling club and he curls once a week on Sundays.  He knew about curling at school but figured that he had to be really good to be part of the school team.   He decided to join the school’s curling anyways as they had a school team and a recreational team.  He curled a few time over the winter with the recreational team and then became a spare for the school team.

The Gore Mutual Boys curling competition was in fall and one of the school players couldn’t make it to the competition so Matthew was asked to play.  They played really well and won the “B” division Zone competition.

This last weekend, the boys were in Chesley, ON for the regional competitions.  The whole family did the 2 hour, 6am drive as Matthew had to be there at 8am.  They did well on the first day of competitions and moved onto the second day.  They played for the “B” team regionals and lost to the last year champions.  So basically they are 3rd in their region.  The first two teams make it to the provincials.  That is pretty amazing for Matthew, his first year curling and doing so well.  I asked him last night and he said that he was happy.  That is what a mum wants to hear.

Here are some pictures of him and his team over the weekend.  KCI, Matthew’s school is the oldest school in the region dating back to 1855.  The red and white jerseys that the boys are wearing were found in the basement of the school.  the joke was that William Lyon Mckenzie King wore it when he was at the school.  Everyone at the competition thought it was really cool!


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