Mummy Thoughts

Snow in Ottawa in April

This morning I work up to ice pellets blowing against my bedroom window.  Look outside and it is white. Really?  Ice and and snow, all the snow was almost gone.  I thought we were done with all that white stuff and spring was here….

Snow again?

Matthew decided that he would stay home to read, Natalie wanted to stay home to watch a movie and Andrew wanted to go to school.  Being the mummy that I am, I decide to take him.  We go outside and I was thinking I would drive him and then realize that the windshield is covered in ice and I tell him it is going to be a while to thaw.  So he decides that we should walk.  Not too cold only about 0ºC but the wind.  Not fun walking with the pellets hitting your face.  Desperate times call for desperate measures….

Protecting his face from ice pellets!

I wonder if my tulips that were just sprouting 2 days ago will survive this little ice storm…

Will they survive?

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