Mummy Thoughts

Dr Karyn Gordon

Last night we had the privilege to attend a talk given by Dr Karyn Gordon.  I had never heard of her before.  The elementary schools in the area invited her as a guest speaker so I decided to check her out online to see who she was.  The first thing that popped up on her website was her book about teen years.  I thought to myself why is an elementary school inviting a speaker for parents of kids who aren’t even teens yet.  I decided that there is always something new to learn, so it would be worth my time to listen to her.

It was an enlightening evening.  The presentation was only about an hour long but she gave us an insight to what kind of parents we are and help us understand what our goal as a parent is. What we learned can be used on kids of any age, we are thankful we are learning this as the kids are still young.

So Karyn reminded us of why we are parents, what is our end goal as a parent?  What kind of kids do we want to have?  We can’t tell kids how to behave or what to do but we can build confident, self disciplined respectful, responsible, mature kids.  The list goes on….  What we want as a parent is to basically focus on Character Building.

She helped us understand our parenting styles.  She talked about the shortcomings and virtues about each parenting style and helped us understand how to be the “ultimate” parent.

Communication is a big factor and how to use the right words are so important when talking to you child.  The 5th habit of Stephen Covey says, “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood”. She also show us the words to use to communicate with our children or anyone else for that matter. Some of the things she talked about was things we knew and it was a great reminder for communicating with others.

I had a great evening of learning. Here is her website Check it out, there are some short clips from CityLine when she was a guest speaker, which is worth the watch. There is always something to learn. Enjoy.

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