After 2 long days of driving, we have arrived, all safe and sound. It is great to be in Warner Robins again. We have some really fun memories from when we were here last time.
So we drove 9 hours yesterday, 800km and 10 hours today and 1100km. I have to admit we have a group of really good kids. They kept themselves busy and managed to sit through the 2 days of driving. What troopers…
Yesterday, somehow we managed to leave 2 hours later than planned, 11am instead of 9am. We did too many things and then we forgot the GPS and had to go home to get it. Good thing we hadn’t gone too far. We had no plans on where to stay that night, just drive till we got tired. Plus we were not sure how long it would take at the border. Well, it’s never a dull moment in our life. We go through customs, the guys questions about our choice of investment, I thought they wanted money from other countries. Anyways, we figure that he wanted to get us wound up. Then we get pulled over for a random x-ray of our vehicle. There is an x-ray machine that drives pass a row of cars. Hum…. Not sure what they were looking for. By this time it was almost 1ish and we had to stop for lunch. We drive into a little town, Adams, the road a close as they were having a fair. Just before the road closure, we find a pizza place. We were not planning on stopping for lunch but we did. Talk about greasy pizza! Well, while we were waiting for the pizza, we checked out the fair! After about an hour stop we continued on our way, only stopping for gas and toilet breaks. Dinner time we stopped at a Wal-mart and bought fixings for a sub. So much easier but that still took another hour. Now at least we had fruits and more snacks. That brought us to Williamsport, Maryland. We went through New York and Pennsylvania.
Second day, we left at 8am after have juice and donuts at the hotel. Breakfast of champions… Kyle drove the whole way. We only stopped for a buffet lunch in Charlotte, NC and gas and toilet. We make good time. We got to Warner Robins before 9pm and checked out the park before heading to the grocery store for dinner. A little different drive today. Much flatter than through the mountains. Beautiful just the same. So lush.
So everyone is happy that we have arrived. It is super humid but not as hot as the first time we arrived 3 year ago. I remember it was 100F. Well it will be a busy few days while we are down here.