Mummy Thoughts

Bed without any supper

Yesterday was a scorcher. After preparing dinner, it was too hot to eat in the house we decided to have dinner on the front steps. I put drinks into cup with lids and told the kids, first come first serve, grab your drinks and food on the way out. Of course cups were all different sizes and colours.

I am sitting outside and then Natalie comes out of the house crying, asking Andrew to exchange cups with her. We were not sure why she wanted his. She always seems to want whatever they want first and Andrew always gives in to her just to quiet her down. She actually got to her drink first and then after the boys got theirs, she decide to change. She was just wailing and she wouldn’t calm down so Kyle sent her to her room to cry and boy did she show her temper. I guess hunger and the heat really got to her. Finally Kyle went in to talk to her and she calmed down and came back outside to eat. For some reason she decided to open the lid of her drink and it split a little and then started the crying fit again. Oh my the wails. By this time Kyle was back at work and he told her to go back to her room till she was ready to eat as he couldn’t concentrate. So off she went back to the room.

This time, she fell asleep. I expected her to wake up after a couple of hours but she slept through the night and now is having her dinner for breakfast. I guess she was more tired than hungry. I guess the body just knows what it needs. She is still ok after missing her dinner!

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