This morning, we woke the kids up at 6am so that we could catch the 6:40 bus downtown. Why? Because Matthew and Andrew were running the last 1.195km of the Ottawa Kid marathon. The boys have been training at school for the last few week, over this time, they have been accumulating up to 41km. This is to encourage kids to be active. There were tons of kids, about 20 from our lady of Fatima.
Here are the kids starting, there were so many kids in red, we couldn’t see ours.
Here they are after the race! After the race, Natalie said that she wanted to do it too. She can totally do it. Perhaps a longer distance next time.
With their medals. So proud of them. Andrew did it in 4.5 minutes.
Matthew did it in 5.5 minutes.
Their event started at 8am and we were done by 8:30am. It took longer to pick up the kids, lots of security. Anyways, since we were downtown we decided to stay and watch the marathoners come in. We got great front row seats and watch the first 2 place men come in with a time of 2 hours 9 minutes, that makes is about 20km/hr, that is the speed when I am biking….. It was amazing to watch them. Look at their strides.
What a fun day, the weather was perfect cool and overcast. Lots of records were broken. Every time I attend one of these events, I feel inspired.