Mummy Thoughts

Boys First Job

So the boys just started their new job a couple of weeks ago.  Delivering the local weekly flyer.  They have to start somewhere.

They get 7cts per house and there are 49 houses on our route and so they make less than $3.50 a week, divided by 2.  I think this is pretty good considering how old they are.  More money to add to their money jars.  This is their third week and we have a system going and it takes about 20-25 minutes.  One child delivering on each side of the road.

The weather has been great so it has been pretty easy.  The company delivers the flyers to the house for us to distribute.  We load it all into my “granny” cart, I pull it along and they pick it up from my cart to deliver to the houses.  In this way, I am still able to keep an eye on them.  They really enjoy running around and it gets us all out together for a little outing.  The route is mainly on our street and it is a pretty quiet street in terms of traffic so it is pretty safe, as long as Andrew doesn’t trip while running up and down people’s driveways. In time, they will be able to go out on their own.  I really like going out with them though, like I said, it gets me out of the house for a little stroll.  The boys have so much energy and it is fun to see them just bouncing along.

This is the beginning…..

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