Mummy Thoughts

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

I have much to be thankful for. Life is good.

I love long weekends.  This weekend, the kids and I cleaned out their bedrooms, it was long overdue.  We started on Saturday, took a break in the afternoon and finished on Sunday.  So now the deal is that they have to clean up every night before they go to bed.  I think we have said that many times before.  I need to put down my foot down more and not let the kids take advantage with excuses.  Tonight Natalie had a fit when we told her she had to put her toys away even though we helped her she didn’t have to do it herself.  The tears… So their room is now tidy.  The goal is to make sure they keep it that way!   I am thankful for clean and tidy rooms.

I did some tidying up myself.  The winter clothes are out and most of the summer stuff has been put away.  It is so odd as it is still so warm outside.  We went for a bike ride to Britannia Beach on Sunday afternoon and it was such a lovely ride.  The park was just packed, everyone was out enjoying the wonderful warm October weather.  I am thankful for the great weather we are having.

It was a social weekend for us too.  Saturday we went to a un-traditional baby shower with the family in Rockland.  We met up with friends from our Peak Potential courses and it was an awesome evening.  The kids just entertained themselves, and played on the vast property.  Saturday night we had our vegetarian thanksgiving dinner with a couple of friends.  I made a sweet potato gratin, amazing what you can find online when you do a google search.  I search for “vegetarian thanksgiving dinner”!  Today we went to visit our friends Terry and Jane.  It always amazes me when our kids meet up with our friends kids.  This is the second time our kids have gotten together since moving back to Ottawa, and they are so comfortable together.  When they met up the first time, they hadn’t seen each other for over 4 years, Matthew would have been 6.  No problem hanging out together to play. That is so great.  I am thankful for great kids.

This morning, I slept in, very rare for me.  I can’t remember when the last time I did that.  I was quite stuffed up last night and had a restless sleep so the extra couple of hours this morning was so very nice.  I am thankful for a husband who looked after the kids and let me sleep in.

What a awesome weekend.  I have so much to be thankful for.  What are you thankful for?

One thought on “Happy Thanksgiving 2011

  1. Kyle Edginton

    I am thankfully for you taking care of the kids and me and setting up my social calendar and making sure I see the things we can be thankful for.

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