Mummy Thoughts

Everything Happens for a Reason

With our move to Ottawa, we have decided to just rent a place.  Having lived there before, we decided that the Carlingwood area is where we wanted to live.  That area is close (walking distance) to the mall, grocery, library and church.  There are many apartments there and so we decided that that would be best considering that we wanted something little smaller and on one floor.

We put in an application for an apartment for December 1st.  2 days later we got the dreaded call that our application was denied.  It was a little bit of a blow to the system.   What went wrong?  We knew that we had a good credit rating.  The wouldn’t tell us why they turned down our application.  The apartments that we looked at has 70% seniors and I personally think it’s because we had 3 young kids and had to take our application.  I just went back online to look for another place.

I found another place that was on the main floor of a triplex, which had a deck and a backyard.  I thought how perfect, it costs a little more but I can just send the kids outside and I can still keep on eye on them from the comfort and warmth of the great indoors…  Perhaps it was a good thing that the apartment application was denied.

Unfortunately, Kyle was in Winnipeg for the weekend so he couldn’t go out to see the place.  I spoke to the landlord Mike, who said that he would show it to Kyle when he got back into town.  Of course when Kyle got back to Ottawa a few days later, he had already rented the place out.  Another blow.  In my mind I kept thinking that perhaps the other peoples application would be denied.  After 48 hours, the chances were slim so the search continued.  I couldn’t help thinking in the back of my mind perhaps the other application could still be rejected, but what were the chances?

In the following week, nothing came available in the area we were looking at, so we started hunting in other areas, keeping in mind our prior needs.  We found a few places in the Hintonburg area and Kyle made appointments to see the places.  Of course on the day of the appointments, Kyle got a call from the Mike, he said that the application for the other tenants had been turned down.  Yeah!  So after looking at the places in Hintonburg, Kyle went to see Mike’s place in Carlingwood.   So now we had an idea of other rentals and guess what, we will be renting Mike’s place in the Carlingwood area!

Like I said, everything happens for a reason and that reason is there to serve you.  So being turned down initially was a good thing (even thought it was hard to see when it happened) so now we will be in a 2 bedroom, main floor of a triplex with hardwood floors, a deck, a backyard and close to all the amenities.  The kids can play outside and I can be indoor doing whatever I need to, much better than an apartment.  Looking at the other properties also gives us a better appreciation of our rental.   Now we can walk everywhere, our little contribution to the environment.

One thought on “Everything Happens for a Reason

  1. Coco

    I like the sentence “Everything happens for a reason”. Actually, when something happens, it’s hard to say it is good or bad. So I always accept any result happily and hopefully.

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