Last night when it was time to get ready for bed, we asked Matthew to brush Natalie’s teeth. In the past we had given him 25cts to do it but he either didn’t hear us or ignored us so we asked Andrew to do it. Andrew said that he would do it for $1. We said we would give him 25cts. He insisted on $1. So we settled for 50cts. Then Natalie said that she didn’t want Andrew to brush her teeth. So along came Andrew to re-negotiate for himself and Natalie. We said that we would divide the 50cts among the two or them, 25cts for Natalie an and 25cts for him. He said 50cts each. I do not think Natalie knew what was going on and she said that she would give Andrew a kiss if he brushed her teeth. So it was settled. Andrew gets 50cts for the teeth brushing and Natalie gives him a kiss. Here are some pictures and a video of the teeth brushing.

Andrew brushing Natalie's teeth

Making sure he got those back teeth.

The prized kiss.