Mummy Thoughts

Winnipeg Girls Try-a-Tri

Cheering leaders at the end of the race

Our cheering leaders at the end of the race

Today, I participated in my 3rd mini Triathlon with my friend Nicola.  Unfortunately, it didn’t feel right from the start.  I had trouble with my breathing in the pool (It was a little upsetting as my swim has always been my strongest points) and then it was cold and windy on my mountain bike. (I really need a road bike, didn’t I say that before?)  I wore my rain coat on which acted like a parachute,  I finally took it off for my run but that wasn’t too late for the bike ride.  I am very happy to say though that initially the run was tough as I was figuring out my breathing but once I got it, the run felt really good.  Perhaps it was because of the new shoes I won on at my “mothers day run” .

It didn’t help that I didn’t sleep well the night before either.  I was up half the night moving stuff off the basement floor.  A few of the neighbours has sewer backup so we just wanted protect our stuff just in case.  With the dust and my allergies, I had to take an antihistamine as my eye swelled up.

me with the red swim cap

I am the one with the red swim cap

Me on my mountain bike

Me on my mountain bike

Almost done...

Almost done...

So now that I have gone through all my excuses, I am more determined to keep in shape and keep active.   I have made up my mind to continue doing at least 15 minutes of exercise per day (which has slacked in the last couple of months) and perhaps add a run once a week or more.  My experience of completing this triathlon was less than ideal for me, but it has given me more stronger desire to keep in shape and stay healthy.  I like my “girly” figure!  he he he…  Perhaps I will do a sprint triathlon soon…

For your information:

Try-a-Tri distance 300m swim, 15km bike, 3km run

Sprint distance 750km swim, 20km bike, 5 km run

2 thoughts on “Winnipeg Girls Try-a-Tri

  1. Marcia

    Looking good Amelia! Congratulations!!!!!! 🙂 Go Ameilia go!!!!!!! I love the running picture, looks like you are enjoying yourself!

  2. amelia Post author

    Thanks Marcia. I think I was a little hard on myself. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I did really enjoy the running part.

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