Mummy Thoughts

Happy New Year – Do you have a Bucket List?

2010 will be exciting as I think about my passions and set my goals for the year.   Take the time to do this and write them down.  “What you focus on will expand”, it will happen.  Do not be vague, be specific.

Someone posted this following message on Facebook about a bucket list which I think is an awesome idea.

Do you have a Bucket List? Make a list of 100 things you’d like to experience in your life. Examine your current life and align it with these desires. Questions to ask yourself: What do you really want? Are you engaged in activities to get you to that goal? What can you stop doing that is not helping you live the life you want?

I am currently working on mine.  Some may think that 100 is too many.  If you can not make 100 first time round, just keep adding to it, you will surprise yourself, they may be some stuck in your memory bank itching to come out keep the list and refer to it often.  Don’t grow old and say, I wish…

Share some of your items and inspire other…  I will add my list to my blog post soon…

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