Kids on Destin Beach in Florida
Being a mother of 3 is so much fun. Someone asked me why I had 3 kids and I said, why not. I knew having 2 would be a breeze, 2 kids, 2 parents, so we added the 3rd for a little “kick” and she has added some flavour to the mix! Most times it is great, other times it can be a bit of a challenge. Usually when we are at church, 2 sets of laps, 3 kids, how do you satisfy their need to be held all at the same time.
I have found that little girls are very different from boys, Natalie is anyways. She is more dramatic and the boys are more mellow. Like I said, she adds lots of drama.
The two little ones are currently with their Grandparents. I asked her if she wanted to go stay with them and the next thing I heard was Andrew saying, “I’m going” and Natalie saying “I’m only going with ONE brother”. I guess Matthew wasn’t invited.
Matthew was happy at the prospect of not having any siblings for two days and having mum and dad to himself. He said “I can do anything I want”. Not sure what he was thinking, when he is out of school, he does anything he wants anyways…
Last night before bed, I asked Matthew if he missed his siblings. He said yes, it was very quiet, no action around and no one to play or argue with. I understood where he was coming from. When my brother and sister went to study overseas, it was just me in Singapore with my parents for about 3 years, I didn’t not enjoy being the only child. I vowed never to only have one child. Ok, that is the real reason I had more kids. I am thankful that I was able to have multiple kids.
I miss the little ones, especially during school time, all of a sudden, there is that much more free time. I miss the morning hugs and their little voices. It is good for Matthew though, having the one-on-one, we’ve had tons of fun learning and playing games together. I don’t miss the whining though. How do you get rid of that? Part and parcel of parenthood I guess!
I am thankful for my 3 wonderful children and my great husband who gave me these kids and supports me in whatever I do. Family is wonderful and am blessed to have an awesome family.

Thankful for family
Yes, we do have an awesome family. And you are an awesome mother as well. Love you.