Tonight we are going friends house who have 2 boys, whom are 8 and 10. So Natalie told my mum that she and my dad that they couldn’t go. My mum asked her why and as her answer was because they were old and everyone else who will be there are young”. We asked here why they thought that they were old and her answer was “Because…”
So Kyle told her to say “I’m not blind…”. Natalie repeated what she thought Kyle said and told my mum, she said “because you are blind…” So funny since my mum is not blind and she knows it so I corrected her. We continued to ask her why she thought they were old and she said that they looked old! We then proceed to ask her if my aunt, my dad’s sister who is a couple of year younger than my dad, if she was old. She said “no!” I think my aunt will be mighty happy when she hears this story!
I kept on asking asked her if she thought whether Kyle’s parents were old. She said yes, her answer was because grandpa had a beard!
What is old? According to Canadian Law, you are a senior, at 65, but that doesn’t seem very old. Wonder what Natalie’s criteria is?
You are as old as you feel. I actually think Natalie can sense that sometimes.